VZK HIJALURON - serum za lice

Veliki pozdrav  dragi moji.
Došlo je vrelo leto i između ostalog leti je najvažnija hidratacija, puno vode,voća i povrća sa velikim procentom vode, ali nikako ne smemo zanemariti hidrataciju kože, posebno lica.
Današnja tema je proizvod koji sam baš, baš zavolela, a to je serum sa hijaluronom iz linije VZK
( Veoma Zdrava Krema) Lilly drogerija.

Hi my dear. It is hot summer and among other things flights is the most important hydration, lots of water, fruits and vegetables with a high percentage of water, but we should not neglect the hydration of the skin, especially the face. Today's topic is a product that I really love, which is a serum with hyaluronine from the VZK line (Very Healthy Cream) Lilly Drugs.

Najpre kratko o serumima ovoh tipa.

First of all about this type of serums.

Hidratacijski serumi kako samo ime kaže poboljšavaju hidrataciju kože lica, ali i ubrzavaju apsorbovanje kreme koju nanosmo posle seruma, tako da krema može dospeti u dublje slojeve kože i dodatno ih hidrirati.
Prednost  upotrebe seruma leti je laganija vodenasta struktura, brže se upijaju i koncentrovaniji su, samin tim  daju brži i vidniji efekat.
Prednost ovog seruma i hidratantnih seruma inače je ta što se mogu nanositi i na okoloočnu regiju koja je inače veoma osetljiva.

Hydrating serums, as the name suggests, improve the hydration of the facial skin, but also accelerate the absorption of the cream that is applied after the serum, so that the cream can reach the deeper layers of the skin and further hydrate them. The advantage of using serum flys is a lighter aquatic structure, faster absorption and more concentrated, giving a faster and more visible effect. The advantage of this serum and moisturizing serum is that it can also be applied to an adjacent region that is otherwise very sensitive.


Moje iskustvo ovog leta je bilo tako da sam  dotični  VZK serumčić zaboravila da ponesem  sa sobom na more i uprkos svoj zaštiti od sunca ( u vidu SPF 50 kreme za lice i aktivnog kiseonika i stalnog prskanja mineralizovanom vodom), moje lice je oprilično dehidrirlo.
Znatno su postale izražajnije mimičke bore, bore oko očiju i na čelu, kao da sam bila u Sahari, a ne na moru. Ali čovek uči dok je živ!

My experience this summer was that I did not forget the VZK serum that I took along with me to the sea and despite my protection from the sun (in the form of SPF 50 creams for the face and active oxygen and constant spraying with mineralized water), my face was quite dehydrated. They became considerably mimic wrinkles, wrinkles around my eyes and at the forefront, as if I were in Sahara, not at sea. But a man learns while he is alive!

Po povatku u Beograd nastavila sam sa korišćenjem seruma i u par dana povratila sjaj kože i hidriranost.
Svojstvo hijaluronske kiseline u serumu je anti-age, tako da je serum oporavio, hidrirao i zategao moju kožu posle izlaganja suncu.
Preporuka je da se koristi uveče, aplikuje se, naravno, na očišćenu kožu i ostavi desetak minuta da upije. Posle toga možete neneti noćnu kremu koju inače koristite ili pak naneti samo serum  i okoloočni tretman kao što ja to činim.
Za one koji kao ja imaju mešovitu ili masnu kožu u tretmanu hidratacije i zatezanja dovoljno je samo nanošenje  seruma.
Moram napomenuti da ja VZK serum koristim i ujutru pre dnevne kreme i nanošenja šminke i zaista mi prija.

After a come back to Belgrade, I continued with the use of serum and in a few days regained the glow of skin and hydration. The serum hyaluronic acid is anti-age, so the serum has recovered, hydrated and closed my skin after exposure to the sun. It is recommended to use it in the evening, applied naturally on cleansed skin and leave for about ten minutes to absorb. After that, you can wear the night cream you normally use or just apply serum and the surrounding treatment as I do. For those who have mixed or oily skin in the treatment of hydration and tension, it is enough to just apply serum. I must mention that I use the VZK serum in the morning before the daytime cream and the application of makeup and I really appreciate it.

Nedavno sam potrošila prvu bočicu i odmah kupila drugu. Serum je spakovan u staklenu bočicu sa staklenom pipetom kojom dozirate količinu seruma. Ono što smatram velikom prednišću je i činjenica da serum ima predivan miris, tako da mi je još veće zadovoljstvo da ga koristim.
Ložim se na proizvode koji dobro mirišu!!!!
Cena seruma je bila  oko 490 i neki dinar kad sam ga prvi put kupila, sada je 859, ako se ne varam, ali zaista je delotvoran i veoma isplativ, pošto se 30ml  poprilično sporo troši.
Ne sadrži parabene i rok upotrebe je 3 meseca od otvaranja bočice.

I recently consumed the first bottle and immediately bought the other one. The serum is packaged in a glass bottle with a glass pipette, which gives you the amount of serum. What I consider to be a great predominance is the fact that the serum has a wonderful smell, so it's even more fun to use it. I resemble products that smell good !!!! The price of serum was around 490 and some dinar when I bought it for the first time, now it's 859, if I'm not mistaken, but it's really effective and very profitable, since 30ml is quite slowly consumed. It does not contain parabens and the shelf life is 3 months after opening the bottle.

Ja sam prezadovoljna učinkom ovog divnog mirišljavog seruma i sa punim pravom mogu da ga preporučim.
Ukoliko ste probale, isprobale i imate već utiske o ovom proizvodu, molim vas obavestite me!!!
Ukoliko niste, nadam se da će vam ovaj post biti od koristi.
Do sledećeg pisanija... budite lepe, negovane i hidrirajte svoju kožu u ovim vrelim letnjim danima!

I am very satisfied with the effect of this wonderful fragrant serum and I can fully recommend it. If you have tried, tried and already got impressions about this product, please let me know !!! If you are not, I hope this post will be of use to you. By the next writing ... be nice, caring and hydrating your skin in these hot summer days!

                                                           Gigi's cup of make up by
                                                            Dragana Gigi Matijević
